My Research:DOM in the Marine Environment – D3 Chia-Jung Lu

My research interests revolve around dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the marine environment including its sources, transformation and sinks.

I’m studying biogeochemical indicators such as lignin and optical properties in seawater and investigating those tracers that can help us understand the sources and degradation processes of DOM, and improve our knowledge of the global carbon cycles.

My current project includes analyzing lignin and optical properties in seawater in order to know terrigenous DOM in Japanese river and the river-influenced coastal areas.

(D3 Chia-Jung Lu)


Photo 1. Lignin decomposition experiment was conducted light and dark treatments on the roof of AORI, the University of Tokyo.


Photo 2. Lignin was extracted by C-18 cartridge (Varine MegaBond Eluet). River water was exposed to natural sunlight (A) and dark control (B) for 42 days.


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