Attending the AORI-SIO Symposium for Building Strategic Partnership in San Diego

I presented a poster focusing bacterial regulation of gel particle coagulation in seawater at AORI-SIO symposium at Scripps Institute of Oceanography on 3-4 October 2016.

I communicated with Scripps members and I got comments and advices about my research which were really useful.

After the meeting, I met Dr. Azam Farooq and Dr. Lihini Aluwihare at their laboratories. It became really good memories for this trip.

(PD Y. Yamada)

Presented Poster:

Yosuke Yamada, Hideki Fukuda, Toshi Nagata “Bacterial control of gel-like particle coagulation in seawater: implications for the regulation of biological carbon pump” AORI-SIO Symposium for Building Strategic Partnership, 4th Oct 2016, Martin Johnson House (T-29), SIO, USA


View from the hotel – Scripps Pier

A relaxing wild sea line


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