Dr. Chia-Jung Lu Completed Her Doctoral Course in September 2016!

Chia-Jung Lu has completed her doctoral course and earned the PhD in September 2016!

Her thesis on “Dynamics of Terrigenous Dissolved Organic Matter in the Marine Environments” was supervised by Professor Ogawa. Her research focused on terrigenous dissolved organic matter (DOM) flowing from riverine sources to the coastal and open oceans in order to investigate the factors controlling terrigenous DOM in the marine environment.

In receiving the degree Dr Lu remarked that “As an international student before coming to Japan for my Ph.D. program, I didn’t expect study would be easy. As per my expectation, the process of pursuing knowledge was tough. Luckily, I had wonderful advisers, lab partners and friends helping and supporting me.”

She also added that “Culture differences are, and always will be, a challenge. Japanese is known as a “delicate culture”. As a foreigner, I sometime just don’t get it; therefore, dealing with the daily life/ tasks is a challenge for me to tackle.”




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